Abeem Live Technologies has updated Rack Performer to version 0.98-beta2, its last public beta version.
This is the last opportunity to join the beta test program, as registrations will be closed soon, and the application transitioned to closed beta phase.
Several new features have been added in this release, including the Live Synopsis, Presets Links, Quick keyboard mapping and VST-Shell support (ex: Waves plugins)
Here's a list of what has changed.
New features:
- The new "live synopsis" is a centralized interface to manage
all document mappings easily
- New "mappings" module context menu entry displays the live
synopsis for the selected module only
- Patcher operations are no longer disabled when patch is powered, but
remain locked when perform mode is enabled
- Perform mode semantic has changed: it can be enabled or disabled
independently of the main mode (patch or edit)
- VST Shell plugins (ex: Waves) are now fully supported
- Presets links allow to link module preset numbers together such that
changing any link member also changes the others
- Quick keyboard map allows to easily create control focus key
- Implemented "free-wheeling" synchro config option (default:
- In full slave mode with free-wheeling off, application stops and
re-locate when timecode or clock signal stops (not requiring transport
control commands)
- In live synch mode with free-wheeling enabled, stoping and restarting the
master makes the application properly re-lock synch
- Patcher copy, cut and paste operations are now functional
- Modules can now be renamed (new entry in patcher module context
Minor modifications:
- Current monitor group is now properly updated when modified via the
monitor groups dialog while engaged
- Ticker size is now dynamic and adapts to displayed content
- Ticker events to display can now be filtered by type, in the general
configuration tab
- Refactored the (rather useless) "flat plugin listing" option to
"automatically create sub directories when lists are too
- Slightly optimized VST plugin scanner (again)
- Added a "clear cache" button to the VST configuration tab
(force a full deep scan)
- Added new hidden compatibility option (default: on) to support some
faulty VST plugins (ex: Model-E, VB-1)
- New hidden advanced option to set the synchro-lost duration before
triggering free-wheeling (default: 300ms)
- Local module latencies are displayed in patcher when doing manual patch
delay compensation
- Application now properly installs for non-admin user accounts (some
support files and shortcuts were missing)
- Added hidden advanced config option to change user data directory
- Required fonts are now loaded dynamically to prevent accidental user
- Now reverting back to default system MMCSS profiles when custom ones are
not available
- Added a new "carbon fiber" screen background
Bug fixes:
- Resolved some edge cases around "CRC check" and "name
check" plugin listing options
- Some recent VST plugins (ex: Model-E re-edition) were not properly listed
during scan
- OpenGL patcher surface could be corrupted when using some VST plugins
built with the same technology
- Corrected an edge case around audio output channels offset (when
monitoring dedicated channels are in use)
- "Edit" menu items were re-enabled after a right-click on a
locked patcher object
- Fixed a rare race condition that could happen on mono-core machines with
some ASIO drivers
- Resolved a crash that could happen when creating VST modules with special
GUIs (ex: Mobius2)
- Corrected some button refreshing problems in transport bar when changing
synchro engine settings
- Metronome in MIDI mode could sometimes retrigger the first down beat when
tempo was zero
- Swapping master modules did not clear scene snapshot data properly
- Error appearing in log when using the custom MMCSS profiles right after
- Angular modes for knob controls have been fixed and re-enabled
- Minor error appearing in log sometimes when closing some documents